spine MRI Study of The • Straightened lumbar lordotic curve denoting muscle spam • Normal dimensions of the bony spinal canal • Relatively reduced signal brightness and height of l3-40,l4/5 intervertebal disc denoting its degeneration. • L4/5 posteri
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خلال 48 ساعة
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findings surface electrodes were used for studying both median & ulnar (recorded at ADM & 1 dorsal interosseous muscles )...
سؤال من غير معروف سنة
MRI FINDING : no significant disc bulge or frank herniation no paraspinal soft tissue lesions vertebral hemangioma in d2 is...
سؤال من أنثى سنة 30
Mr ahmad is 23 year old admitted for adult department at 11 am complain of right lower extremities fracture initial...
سؤال من ذكر سنة
والدى 61 سنة مريض باركنسون و اجرى عملية قلب مفتوح و تم تغيير ثلاث شرايين و لدية حالة من الاكتئاب...
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