i have lupus what is lupus in arabic and is there somthing i can do with it.iam 37 years a femael. .
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خلال 48 ساعة
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orido 7al lelbo9a3 alboni ali tadhher belwajah
سؤال من ذكر سنة
ringworm and eczema and it is everywhere in my body in my arm and between my legs and my fingers...
سؤال من أنثى سنة
salem ana ou3ani min 4ouhour 7ab 3ala zounoud yadaya kayfa ou3alijou ha4ihi el mochkila 3elma wenha 4aharat moun4ou sanawet 3adida
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hi, i go to the dermatologie doctor yesterday and he give me tetralysal ..lymecycline.. and differine and sologel are this...
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i've popped a milium 2 wks ago then i put an antibiotic ointement, after it has healed there is a...
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does mild hyperpigmentation due to a wound fade away spontaneously over time?and what's the appropriate treatment?
سؤال من أنثى سنة
marhaban ana ou3ani men khorouj bouthour fi jismi ba3da izelet echa3r al ana astakhdim alat brawn lakin nefs elmochkil dahabtou...
سؤال من أنثى سنة
is applying vit. e oil useful in case of recent scars?
سؤال من أنثى سنة
is scar massage useful
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