Hello I am a mother born in Altanyh text of age my son is suffering from the lack of response and focus but peaceful and loves hugs, but does not say words only slightly and showed it to doctors Chkso his autism and then underwent planning of the brain and Gedo has electricity redundant in lobes right and left, Li said Dr. must The only give Debaken and will live mentally retarded and there is no any symptoms he suffers from epilepsy, I ask you utilize a soon as you give him the medication or not and whether autism the same symptoms increase electricity and thank you and May God

icon 13 فبراير 2013
icon 887
Hello I am a mother born in Altanyh text of age my son is suffering from the lack of response and focus but peaceful and loves hugs, but does not say words only slightly and showed it to doctors Chkso his autism and then underwent planning of the brain and Gedo has electricity redundant in lobes right and left, Li said Dr. must The only give Debaken and will live mentally retarded and there is no any symptoms he suffers from epilepsy, I ask you utilize a soon as you give him the medication or not and whether autism the same symptoms increase electricity and thank you and May God
هل تريد إجابة أكثر تفصيلا؟ تحدث مع طبيب الآن

إجابات الأطباء على السؤال

I advise you to consult an Psychiatric 0 2013-02-14 04:55:40
د. حكمت فريحات
د. حكمت فريحات
طب عام
I advise you to consult an Psychiatric

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احصل على إجابتك خلال ثوانٍ مع سينا

اسأل الآن سينا يقدم لكِ الإجابة في ثوانٍ

starts اسأل سينا الآن go to Sina


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