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غشاء شفاف قوي ورقيق، يغطي جميع السطح الجنيني للمشيمة، ويحتوي على السائل السَّلى الذي يفصله عن الجنين ويمكن تقشيره من المشيمة وفصله عن المشيماء.سؤال من ذكر سنة
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i got my period on 28th april then on 10th of june i kept getting like brown marks (for one...
سؤال من أنثى سنة
my friend 'did x ray on the lumbar&sacral vertebrae then she discovered she is 12 days pregnant,,,is there any risk...
X-rays during pregnancy don't increase the risk of miscarriage or cause problems in the unborn baby, such as birth defects and physical or mental development problems.
However, if a pregnant woman has an X-ray and is exposed to radiation there is a very small increased risk that the baby may go on to develop cancer in childhood. This is why the dose of radiation used in an X-ray is always as low as possible.
سؤال من ذكر سنة 35
The membranes are free of inflammation There are no cord elements or fetal parts. There are no motar changes DIAGNOSIS...
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