أخصائي علاج طبيعي كريم العبد اخصائي في أخصائي علاج طبيعي

أخصائي علاج طبيعي كريم العبد

أخصائي علاج طبيعي
دكتور/كــريم الــعـبــد أخصائي العلاج الطبيعى بمستشفيات وزارة الصحة بمصر –مديرية الصحة بالبحيرة-مستشفى أبوحمص المركزى ( عمل حكومى ) . أخصائي العلاج الطبيعى بمستشفى الراعى الصالح بدمنهور (عمل خاص ) . خبرة إكلينيكية أكثر من ٦ سنوات . خبرة أكاديمية بالعمل كمعيد للعلاج الطبيعى بإحدى كليات العلاج الطبيعى كعضو هيئة التدريس المعاونة لمدة سنة ونصف وتدريس المقررات المذكورة بالسيرة الذاتية . بكالوريوس العلاج الطبيعى كلية العلاج الطبيعى جامعة القاهرة امتياز العلاج الطبيعى مستشفيات جامعة القاهرة القصر العينى ومستشفيات وزارة الصحة. حاصل على ترخيص مزاولة المهنة من وزارة الصحة والنقابة العامة للعلاج الطبيعى بمصر ومسجل بالنقابة العامة عضوا بها . عضو مجلس إدارة النقابة العامة للعلاج الطبيعى بجمهورية مصر العربية . عضو اللجنة العلمية بالنقابة العامة للعلاج الطبيعى. عضو اللجنة الاعلامية بالنقابة العامة للعلاج الطبيعى بمصر عضو الهيئة المؤسسة لحملة ضمير مصر حى عضو الهيئة المؤسسة لحملة الوقاية والكشف المبكر عن تشوهات القوام لتلاميذ المدارس وعلاجها . إلقاء محاضرات نظرية وورش عمل عملية فى العلاج الطبيعى كما هو مدرج بالسيرة الذاتية حاصل على شهادات لحضور والمشاركة فى العديد من المؤتمرات حاصل على دورات تدريبية ومحاضرات فى العلاج الطبيعى والتكنيكات اليدوية الحديثة والعلاج الطبيعى لأمراض العظام والأعصاب وجراحاتها و التغذية والإصابات الرياضية . مجالات الخبرة : - اكلينيكيا (العلاج الطبيعى) عن طريق التقييم للوصول إلى تشخيص العلاج الطبيعى وتحديد برنامج العلاج الطبيعى والإشراف على تنفيذه بوسائل العلاج الطبيعى المختلفة وأهمها التكنيكات اليدوية الحديثة لحالات امراض العظام والاعصاب والصدر والعناية المركزة والاصابات الرياضية وجراحاتها . اداريا : عضو مجلس ادارة النقابة العامة للعلاج الطبيعى واللجنة العلمية بها - عضو لجنة الكشف المبكر عن تشوهات القوام وتطوير العشوائيات تحت رعاية رئاسة الجمهورية ووزاارة الصحة ووزارة الاسكان . أكاديميا : القاء محاضرات وورش عمل بالنقابة والتدريس باحدى الجامعات كمعيد بكلية العلاج الطبيعى Dr.Karim Elabd Doctor of physical therapy (specialist of physical therapy) More than 6 years clinical experience in physical therapy for in and out patient in (Ortho pt,neuro pt, pre and post operative rehab.,ICU pt,cardiopulmonary rehab.and sport injury) Academic experience as a Demonstrator of physical therapy for one and half year . Doctor of physical therapy "specialist" at hospitals of Ministry of Health , Egypt . Specialist of physical therapy at the Good Shepherd hospital , Damanhour. Member of the board of the directors of the General Physical Therapy Syndicate of Egypt Member of the scientific committee of GPTS . Bachelor degree in physical therapy and Physical therapy Internship . I got many certificates , courses ,attended conferences about manual therapy recent modalities techniques in (Ortho pt,neuro pt, pre and post operative rehab.,ICU pt,cardiopulmonary rehab.and sport injury) and obesity managment I got Egyptian license to practice physical therapy from Egyptian Ministry of Health and Egyptian physical therapy Syndicate Courses and Certificates : Certificate Of organizing course Under Title “Neuroplasticity & Functional Reorganization of the C.N.S” under supervision of THE GENERAL PHYSICAL THERAPY SYNDICATE OF EGYPT, .. presented by,, Professors of Physical Therapy Winston Salem State Uni.,North Carolina USA .. Prof. Dr. Robert Cowie ,, held on 21 December 2011 at Nasser Institute, Cairo, Egypt preparing to join physical therapy license exam Knee Injury Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Course ., ALEX., P.T. Syndicate. Back Management Techniques Course During the period from 14\1\2011 TO 14\2\2011 – 20 Hours of training involving Lectures,Demonstration,and Practical application – Lecturer Prof .Dr. Alaa Balbaa . PHD in P.T. ( Texas Woman s Uni. ) U.S.A. Participation of Introduction of Osteopathy Seminar – Held on Friday 24th October 2011 ( Prof. Dr . Robin kirk DO\NS ) at Pharos Uni. in Alex. By(W.D.P.T.S) Participate in Many Egyptian International Physiotherapy Conferences . 1st conference for physical therapy website cairopt (Physiotherapy for better future ) Included alecture of Dr.magdi arfa low back pain Dr.moustafa sallam sport injuries Dr.amir saleh shiatsu/acupressure Agriculture club cairo 9 april 2009 Certificate of appreciation for contribution to the 1st international symposium of physical therapy ( physical therapy the presentand future ) Naser institute cairo 9-10 january 2009 Certificate of Attendance for contribution to the 1st international symposium of physical therapy ( physical therapy the presentand future ) Naser institute cairo 9-10 january 2009 Certificate of Attendance the 1st conference of orthotics ,prosthesis technology and disabilities Faculty of physical therapy cairo university Egypt 24 june 2008 Certificate of appreciation for efforts im organizing the 11th international scientific conference of Faculty of physical therapy cairo university under title physical therapy and the art of caring cairo 6-7march 2008 Theraputic Nutrition Course Held in May , June 2011 for Five Days at ALEX. Under Supervision of Prof . Nawal Abd ELrehim ELsayed . Prof. of Nutrition , ALEX. Uni. By ( W.D.P.T.S ) 1st., Aid and Medecine of Emergency and Critical Cases Certificate , El- Behira physicians Syndicate . Workshop on Mezotherapy , Vamer, Pharmaceutical Present and Discuss Papers in Pediatric Conference about (( PEDIATRIC SPORT INJURY )) Certificate Of organizing course Under Title “Cervicothoracic Disorders, Anatomical Foundation, Comprehensive Evaluation & Evidence Based Intervention” under supervision of THE GENERAL PHYSICAL THERAPY SYNDICATE OF EGYPT, .. presented by,, Professors of Physical Therapy Winston Salem State Uni.,North Carolina USA .. Prof. Dr. Robert Cowie and Prof.Dr. Hamdy Radwan ,, held on 17-18-19-20 December 2011 at Nasser Institute, Cairo, Egypt Certificate Of organizing course Under Title “Neuroplasticity & Functional Reorganization of the C.N.S” under supervision of THE GENERAL PHYSICAL THERAPY SYNDICATE OF EGYPT, .. presented by,, Professors of Physical Therapy Winston Salem State Uni.,North Carolina USA .. Prof. Dr. Robert Cowie ,, held on 21 December 2011 at Nasser Institute, Cairo, Egypt Certificate Of attendence workshop Under Title “upper thoracic manipulation workshop” under supervision of THE GENERAL PHYSICAL THERAPY SYNDICATE OF EGYPT, and faculty of physiotherapy pharos uni., alex .. presented by,, Professors of Physical Therapy Winston Salem State Uni.,North Carolina USA .. Prof. Dr. Robert Cowie ,, held on Monday 26\12\2011 at , Egypt Certificate Of Attendance 1.st annual ConferenceAbout New Trends In ObesityIn Physiotherapy Field Held on 26-27 April At Ramada Hotel Iin Mansoura – Dakahlia ( Dakahlia Physical Therapy Syndicate D.P.T.S) PRESENTED BY Prof.Dr\ Mohamed Abou ELghate - Prof.Dr\Ashraf Elsharkawy Prof.Dr \ Amir Saleh - Prof.Dr \ Emad Elmenshawy Certificate Of Attendance PHYSICAL THERAPY Conference ALEXANDRIA JULY 2012 under the title of MUSCULSKELETAL DISORDERS . Certificate of Attendance the Scientific day in elsahel hospital sport injury,acl.kinesio-taping under supervision of THE GENERAL PHYSICAL THERAPY SYNDICATE OF EGYPT, .. presented by prof.dr samy nasef , prof.dr.akram . 2014 Attendance Lecture under title of NSAID ON MIRAGE conference HALL IN DAMANHOUR , lecturer: prof.dr.khamis eldeeb prof of orthopedic surgery faculty of medicine alex.uni. under supervision of novartis company . 2014 Certificate of Attendance the1st Scientific day of physiotherapy department ,damanhour hospital under supervision of OF General Authority of educational hospitals and institutions , EGYPT, .. cme 4 credited hours presented by prof.dr samy nasef , prof.dr.ramy el naqib . 23/4/ 2014 Attendance of lecture under title of introduction to osteopathy .. presented by prof.dr.hesham Khalil . 2014 Attendance of lecture under title of osteopathic medecine .. presented by prof.dr. stev. 2014 certificate of attendance the 1st scientific conference of Alexandria physical therapy syndicate under the title of “ Role of physical therapy in pediatric disabilities “ Alexandria – Hilton green plaza 18th of September 2015 certificate of two credit hours and attendance the 8th annual combined clinical meeting of orthopedic departmenat of damanhour national medical institute in collaboration with Egyptian orthopedic association. 25-8-2016 , damanhour, Egypt. Certificate of Attendance the 2nd Alexandria physical therapy conference - under the title of “the new trends in physical therapy &rehabilitation “ Alexandria – Hilton green plaza 6th-7th October 2016 Academic (Teaching) Experience Giving lecture on :- - Physical therapy modalities between theories and clinical practice Through acase of bone legthening .. ilizarov . ) Friday 28-8-2015 .. 6hours-3groups( .. free lecture in study group for fresh graduates , internship students and undergraduate students , under supervision of THE GENERAL PHYSICAL THERAPY SYNDICATE OF EGYPT, and organization of behira PHYSICAL THERAPY SYNDICATE . - Physical Therapy Management For Frozen Shoulder & Impingement Syndrome .) Friday 2-10-2015( .. free lecture in study group for fresh graduates , internship students and undergraduate students , under supervision of THE GENERAL PHYSICAL THERAPY SYNDICATE OF EGYPT, and organization of behira PHYSICAL THERAPY
دكتور/كــريم الــعـبــد أخصائي العلاج الطبيعى بمستشفيات وزارة الصحة بمصر –مديرية الصحة بالبحيرة-مس...

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اطلب استشارة طبيب الآن

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