الدكتور عبد الرزاق علي المدني اخصائي في الغدد الصماء

الدكتور عبد الرزاق علي المدني

الغدد الصماء
Dr. Abdulrazzaq Ali Al Madani is a consultant physician and endocrinologist at Al Borj Medical Centre in Dubai since 1998 After graduating in Medicine from Ain Shams University, Cairo, Dr. Madani pursued his Postgraduate training in Internal Medicine and Endocrinology from Munich, Germany, and obtained his Fachartz in both specialties. The Royal College of Physicians awarded Dr. Madani Honorary Fellowship from their Colleges in Edinburg and Glasgow. Dr. Madani joined Dubai Health Authority in 1980 and since 1993 holds the post of Consultant in Medicine and Endocrinology. In 2000 he became the head of the medical department, in 2002 became the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Dubai Hospital-DHA till 2014. He has vast experience in the management of diabetes and endocrine disorders, especially thyroid gland, he has carried out more than 40,000 thyroid sonography and over 10,000 fine needle aspiration of thyroid nodules, and he has been trained in Radio Frequency ablation and laser ablation of benign thyroid nodules. Dr. Madani was awarded the Sheikh Rashid Award for Scientific Achievement in 1988 and was honored with the Dubai Government Excellence Award (DGEP) in 2002 under the Category – Distinguished Employee. Dr. Madani is the Honorary President of the Emirates Diabetes Society and the Chairman of the Gulf Group for the Study of Diabetes. He is also the Editorial Board chairman of the “Diabetes Positive Living Magazine” a social initiative of EDS. And a member of the editorial board of the North Korean Ultrasonography Magazine of the Korean Society of Ultrasound in Medicine. Dr. Madani headed the group that prepared the “UAE National Diabetes Guidelines”. He acted as the chairman of the local organizing committee of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) Congress in Dubai in 2011 and the chairman of the local organizing committee of the IDF Congress in Abu Dhabi in 2017. His publications in Clinical Diabetes include “Recommendations for Management of Diabetes During Ramadan”, “Diabetes Care, Algorithm for Management of Type 2 in the Middle East”, “Diabetes Education in the Arab World, A Call for Action”, Driving and diabetes mellitus in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries: Call for action. and “UAE National Diabetes Guidelines 2008 and 2011”, and Diabetes and Ramadan: Practical Guidelines (IDF/DAR).
Dr. Abdulrazzaq Ali Al Madani is a consultant physician and endocrinologist at Al Borj Medical Centr...

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أطباء في الغدد الصماء

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هذا الطبيب لا يستقبل حجوزات عن طريق موقع الطبي

اطلب استشارة طبيب الآن

جرب الخدمة بشكل مجاني لمدة يوم كامل

ببساطة أدخل الأعراض التي تعاني منها وسيتحدث الطبيب معك خـــلال دقائق

ابدأ الآن

محتوى طبي متنوع وهام

أسئلة مشابهة

سؤال من female ,16

الأمراض الجلدية
من الأفضل أن تراجع طبيب الأمراض الجلدية للحصول على التشخيص والعلاج الصحيح. الكريمات التي تحتوي على الهيدروكوتيزون أو الكورتيكوستيرويد قد تكون فعالة، لكن يجب استخدامها تحت إشراف الطبيب.

أجاب عن السؤال

د. احمد مسلماني

هذا الطبيب لا يستقبل حجوزات عن طريق موقع الطبي