د. بتول حبنكة الشهير بالميداني اخصائي في دماغ واعصاب

د. بتول حبنكة الشهير بالميداني

دماغ واعصاب
From the heart of a girl who lives with a chronic disease, who lost her father and mother to cancer and cerebral infarction, I understand what an illness pain exactly means. I understand that darkness. I believe I can do wonders for patients. Work Experience: I am a neurologist specialized in treating neurological disorders such as Parkinson, cerebral infarction, Multiple sclerosis, and many others. I graduated from the first third students of the college, with a graduation rate of 80.9 to start my medical specialty in the field of neurology at Damascus Hospital, one of the largest hospitals in Syria. I also worked as a medical writer for 3 and a half years for different agencies, including Wikipedia and RBCs Team, and I also led the medical writing team at my university for a year and a half, supervising medical publications and following up with my team to provide the strongest and most accurate scientific publications attached with illustrations and videos to support the educational journey. I love my patients and love to feel them, those pains I salute them for, and for their patience in her journey, I would like to bring them closer to fight the disease together.
From the heart of a girl who lives with a chronic disease, who lost her father and mother to cancer...

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دمشق ، سوريا

المجتهد - مشفى دمشق

لم يتم العثور على نتائج.

أطباء في دماغ واعصاب

د. حيدر كاظم

د. حيدر كاظم


دماغ واعصاب

لا توجد معلومات

الولايات المتحدة، تكساس

الولايات المتحدة


هذا الطبيب لا يستقبل حجوزات عن طريق موقع الطبي

اطلب استشارة طبيب الآن

جرب الخدمة بشكل مجاني لمدة يوم كامل

ببساطة أدخل الأعراض التي تعاني منها وسيتحدث الطبيب معك خـــلال دقائق

ابدأ الآن

محتوى طبي متنوع وهام

أسئلة مشابهة

سؤال من female ,21

الصحة الجنسية

سؤال من male ,20

الصحة الجنسية

هذا الطبيب لا يستقبل حجوزات عن طريق موقع الطبي