د. اسامة غيث اخصائي في باطنية

د. اسامة غيث

I am Dr. Osama Ashry Ahmed Gheith, who graduated in 1987 from Mansoura faculty of medicine, Egypt. I hold an MD degree in Internal Medicine and Nephrology since 2003. I have been trained in Mansoura urology and nephrology center, Mansoura University, Egypt from 1991 till 2008 when I join the work in Hamed Al-Essa organ transplant center. I am a member of the following societies: International Society of Nephrology (ISN), European Dialysis Transplantation Association (EDTA), African Association of Nephrology (AFRAN), Arab Society of Nephrology and Egyptian Society of Nephrology (ESN). I have long experience with all nephrology activities including all dialysis modalities, medical care of more than 3500 renal transplant recipients, surgical Skills of importance in the field of nephrology as vascular access creation, PD catheter insertion, and renal biopsies. Moreover, I have interest in the training and supervising Junior Staff in the field of nephrology and renal transplant (in Egypt, Yemen, and Kuwait). I have completed the NIH Web-based training course “Protecting Human Research Participants”. I am interested in research work and have over 12 research projects ongoing in the department. I am an author and/or co-author of over 85 publications in peer-reviewed international journals. In addition to several abstracts in many Middle East and international conferences. I am interested in the field of immunosuppression in renal transplantation, post-transplant diabetes, infection, and anemia. I won some of the research prizes with the special concern of Emirates medical association –Nephrology Society EMAN YOUNG INVESTIGATOR AWARD –during 12th congress of the Arab society of nephrology and renal transplantation 2014, 6th ISN EMAN Update Course in Nephrology 2014, 10-13December 2014 Dubai, UAE; one of the top 5 posters presented in ESNT 2018 (impact of HLA DR mismatch in elderly renal transplant recipients regardless donor sources: single-center experience from the middle east) and one of the top 5 posters presented in ESNT 2019 (Screening for BK viremia/viruria and the Impact of Management of BK Virus Nephropathy in Renal Transplant Recipients).
I am Dr. Osama Ashry Ahmed Gheith, who graduated in 1987 from Mansoura faculty of medicine, Egypt. I...

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أطباء في باطنية

لا توجد معلومات

الولايات المتحدة، تكساس


هذا الطبيب لا يستقبل حجوزات عن طريق موقع الطبي

لا توجد معلومات

الولايات المتحدة، ميسوري


هذا الطبيب لا يستقبل حجوزات عن طريق موقع الطبي

اطلب استشارة طبيب الآن

جرب الخدمة بشكل مجاني لمدة يوم كامل

ببساطة أدخل الأعراض التي تعاني منها وسيتحدث الطبيب معك خـــلال دقائق

ابدأ الآن

محتوى طبي متنوع وهام

أسئلة مشابهة

سؤال من female ,

أمراض نسائية

أجاب عن السؤال

د. جمال ماضي

هذا الطبيب لا يستقبل حجوزات عن طريق موقع الطبي