د. زهبه القحطاني اخصائي في ماجستير تغذية علاجية

د. زهبه القحطاني

ماجستير تغذية علاجية

Registered Dietitian seeking clinical RD position to empower individuals, help improve there life through medical nutrition therapy, and contribute my skills and abilities to endorse a healthy and balanced lifestyle, by using Standards of Practice, evaluates nutrition status of patients and prescribes, implements, evaluates and documents an appropriate nutritional care plan on a timely manner. I am extremely interested in doing researches and publishing papers. My ability to provide nutritional care and education to clients contains working on a multitude of platforms including adults, teenagers, pediatrics, and geriatrics. I have been trained in instructing patients about the need for altering their specific diet plans in order to manage effectiveness of health and performance. Additionally, I am competent in performing assessments and development of diet care plans which are in essence particular to the individual involved. Moreover, I possess the necessary know how of current diet trends and subsequent disease prevention through diet. I am dedicated, self-motivated, responsible, trustworthy, hardworking, reliable and a team player.

Registered Dietitian seeking clinical RD position to empower individuals, help improve there life...

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الرياض ، السعودية

لم يتم العثور على نتائج.
لم يتم العثور على نتائج.

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جرب الخدمة بشكل مجاني لمدة يوم كامل

ببساطة أدخل الأعراض التي تعاني منها وسيتحدث الطبيب معك خـــلال دقائق

ابدأ الآن

محتوى طبي متنوع وهام

أسئلة مشابهة

سؤال من female ,31

الصحة الجنسية

أجاب عن السؤال

الدكتور طريف وليد ...

اختر الوقت المناسب لحجز موعدك

fees رسوم كشفية مكالمة الفيديو 200 ر.س.

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