طب جراحة العظام والكسور Orthopedics and Traumatology-كلية الطب البشري جامعة سالشوك - جامعة ميرام / تركيا - Selçuk Ün. Meram University of Medicine
طب جراحة العظام والكسور Orthopedics and Traumatology- جامعة هاجتيبي - تركيا / Hacettepe University of Medicine
* XIII. Fundemantal Micro Surgery Training Akdeniz University of Medicine-Antalya
* XIII. Fundemantal Micro Surgery Training-Akdeniz University of Medicin - Antalya
Shoulder Artroscopy Up to date applications- Gazi University of Medicine
II. 0-6 Ay Arasý GKD-PEV Diagnose and Treatment Course, on the job training-0
• TOTBÝD-TOTEK Fundemantal Sciences and Research Academy -0
TOTBÝD III. Arthroplasty Course-0
Fundemantal AO Course: Ocak 2008-Ankara - Turkey
Laboratory Animals Usage Course-Hacettepe University
Arthroscopy Workshop-0
Turkish Upper and Lower Extremity Surgery Association Fundemantal Hand Micro Surgery Course IV-0
Radyasyonla Personel 2. Education Course-0
General Approaches to the treatment of Specific Diseases in Sports Medicine and Traumotology, Hacettepe Un-0
Hacettepe Ortopedi Günleri-0