Transforming Healthcare in
Connect with a network of certified healthcare providers, available 24-7 to address your needs and medical concerns within minutes
Overview of Altibbi
Our ultimate goal in Altibbi is to make our patients adopt a healthy lifestyle!That is why we have created a digital healthcare platform, that is accessible 24/7 to all our patients. The platform aims to facilitate the patient’s medical journey by keeping track of their consultations history and prescribed medications. This allows our doctors to routinely check on the status of their patients in a timely manner.

Quality healthcare access is a right for all

Through Altibbi’s completely anonymous Telehealth service we provide your beneficiaries with access to thousands of medical professionals, to safely and securely inquire about any medical questions and concerns they may have, on demand, 24-7.

Insurance :

  • 24-7, on demand access to Altibbi’s Consult A Doctor service
  • Expanding the insurers ability to provide quality care to more members.
  • Reducing clinical visits, unnecessary care, including expensive care.
  • A cost-effective alternative to in-person office visits.

Partners :

Tawunuiya partner medmark partner axa partner
Why choose Altibbi?

We partner with leading companies to seamlessly deliver top-quality healthcare for their beneficiaries, through our innovative Telehealth platform.

  • international
    We’re international
    We work with a large network of certified medical professionals around the MENA region to deliver quality healthcare for everyone.
  • affordable
    We’re affordable
    Offering cost effective, asynchronous healthcare that costs less than an in-person visit and drives preventive and chronic condition savings.
  • innovation
    We’re innovative
    Leveraging the latest innovations to optimize delivery, improve the quality of our services, and reduce healthcare costs.
  • reliable
    We’re reliable
    Confidentiality, integrity and availability are our main focus, which is why we’re trusted by the world’s leading organisations.