MenaITech & Altibbi sign a partnership to provide new services

MenaITech & Altibbi sign a partnership to provide new services

Amman – MenaITech, the region’s largest provider of human capital information systems (HCIS) services, recently entered into an exclusive partnership agreement with Altibbi company, a digital healthcare platform that provides its users with access to health advice 24/7 through its websites and apps, to provide new services to MenaME-Plus users. MenaME-Plus is an employee/ manager self-service mobile application, developed by MenaITech, and used by tens of thousands of employees at various organizations and companies in the region.

The agreement was signed by Dr. Bashar Al Hawamdeh, Founder and CEO, on behalf of MenaITech and Mr. Jalil Allabadi, CEO on behalf of Altibbi.

The partnership linked MenaME-Plus - that provides users with multiple human resource management services - with Altibbi platform which provides access to and communication with accredited doctors for health consultations.

The connection between the two systems will provide a new service known as “call a doctor” service which provides MenaME-Plus users with 24-hour access to communicate and interact with a network of experienced and qualified doctors in order to inquire about health conditions. This service saves time and effort for these employees and human resource administrators, increases efficiency and reduces health insurance costs.

The new service, which is equipped with privacy and data protection, will grant MenaME-Plus users an unlimited number of questions and calls to doctors on Altibbi platform. The service will be provided in the 10 Arab countries where both MenaITech and Altibbi have presence, which are: Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and Oman.

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مساعدك الشخصي من الطبي للاجابة على أسئلتك الصحية
الطبي يطلق سينا، ذكاء اصطناعي لخدمتك الصحية!
اسأل سينا

Altibbi company is based on a platform specialized in providing healthcare information and advice across the Middle East. It connects patients in a confidential manner with accredited doctors and provides 24-hour consultations, 7 days a week. Altibbi medical site maintains a directory of 12 thousand prescreened doctors who respond to the questions posed online for free so that patients can receive answers to their non-time sensitive health questions and can communicate directly with multiple doctors.

Dr. Bashar Hawamdeh, CEO of MenaITech said “This agreement embodies the concept of partnerships between Jordanian tech companies that work in different sectors to provide joint services that benefit the economy, institutions and human resource departments.”

Hawamdeh added that MenaITech works to support pioneering Jordanian companies through effective partnerships and builds its products and platforms to strengthen them on the one hand, but also to serve the economy and the community by providing new, unprecedented services that increase productivity and reduce cost and efforts for human resource managers, particularly in the field of health insurance.

For his part, Jalil Allabadi, founder of Altibbi said that “This agreement allows Altibbi to partner with a large company, such as MenaITech, which operates in many countries and markets in the region. This gives Altibbi the opportunity to extend its services to reach a larger number of employees in the Arab World via the MenaITech programs.” 

اقرا ايضاً :

استشارات طبية عبر الإنترنت

Allabadi highlighted the importance of this partnership in providing superior services for MenaME-Plus users which helps Altibbi to venture into new market segments, but more importantly benefits employees by allowing them to consult reliable doctors on their health conditions.

هل وجدت هذا المحتوى الطبي مفيدا؟

يتألف طاقم الطبي من مجموعة من مقدمي الرعاية الصحية المعتمدين، من أطباء، صيادلة وأخصائيي تغذية. يتم كتابة المحتوى الطبي في الموقع من قبل متخصصين ذوي كفاءات ومؤهلات طبية مناسبة تمكنهم من الإلمام بالمواضيع المطلوبة منهم، كل وفق اختصاصه. ويجري الإشراف على محتوى موقع الطبي من قبل فريق التحرير في الموقع الذي يتألف من مجموعة من الأطباء والصيادلة الذين يعتمدون مصادر طبية موثوقة في تدقيق المعلومات واعتمادها ونشرها. يشرف فريق من الصيادلة المؤهلين على كتابة وتحرير موسوعة الأدوية. يقوم على خدمات الاستشارات الطبية والإجابة عن أسئلة المرضى فريق من الأطباء الموثوقين والمتخصصين الحاصلين على شهادات مزاولة معتمدة، يشرف عليهم فريق مختص يعمل على تقييم الاستشارات والإجابات الطبية المقدمة للمستخدمين وضبط جودتها.

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ذات صلة :
What it takes to be a doctor at Altibbi


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